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Total as of Sept 30, 2023

The IGA Emerging Markets Equity team offers significant expertise in emerging markets (EM) equities investing through its stable team of investment professionals, who work closely together out of London. We combine a top-down thematic overlay with rigorous company-level research to support two distinct disciplines: EM Quality and EM Value.


We strongly feel that our diversity is critical to our success. The team’s founder and head, Philippe Langham, has consciously hired people with backgrounds, personalities and ways of thinking different from his own. We have a strong culture of discussion and debate which helps bring different perspectives to the table when evaluating investment opportunities


We place a big emphasis on culture within our own team, and pride ourselves on having a highly open and collaborative environment. We apply this same criteria when looking at companies. We spend a lot of time evaluating company management, and engage on areas such as brand, employees and innovation, all of which we believe define the corporate culture of a firm.

Research focus

A key differentiator for the team is the breadth and depth of independent research that we do. We have built a strong research platform that has four key characteristics. It is long term, global, focused on management, and integrates ESG. We focus on long term, secular themes as part of our top-down research, and have a detailed, systematic approach from a bottom-up perspective.

Our approach to ESG

We approach ESG criteria in the same manner as financial metrics, as we believe they can have a material impact on a company’s long-term performance. We integrate material ESG factors into our investment process and all applicable team members perform ESG-related analysis.

Our strategies